Bugette with receipt-scanning
A small bugette, with the QBO receipt-scanning feature:
On the PC, after reviewing a receipt, and correcting any incorrect fields, the next page, with the green 'Create expense' button bottom-right, can show the wrong name for the Payee in the small box top-right.
For example, I scanned a receipt from Greggs Cobham. The review page showed Greggs Cobham for payee. I changed that to just Greggs. But on the 'Create expense' page, it showed Greggs Cobham still. If I exit that page, then redisplay, the mentioned small box top-right now correctly shows just Greggs.
And when I click the 'Create expense' button, the expense is correctly created with just Greggs as payee.
Possibly other of the items in the small box are similarly afflicted.
Best regards,