Business Sold/Closing - Record Storage
QBO is being pushed vs Desktop, and its great until the business is sold/out of business. THEN WHAT?
There is currently no way to get pdf's attached to invoices, bills, bank rec, etc to export out. Clients think they are being good and paperless, attach the support to the transaction in QBO, then shred document. You can have 1 year read only, but we know audits don't happen that soon. Also, no good way to export all the data in a good way to actually be able to use and find information later if needed for audit. The work around I was told was to get a free trial of desktop and convert QBO to desktop and then QB will activate one time if audited without charge. There has got to be clear direction on this if you are selling an accounting product for maintenance of records/documents for at minimum 4 yrs. If the future is QBO why is the only workaround resorting back to a Desktop program that I doubt would even be supported by the time of the audit.