Bank Feed needs to populate with vendor info
When I select the correct vendor in the bank feed, the account should populate with the most recently used expense account (and tax code!) for that vendor. I shouldn't need to select the right one every single time. I don't understand how this is not obvious. The account fills in automatically if I manually create an expense, which makes it faster to do that than to create an entry off the bank feed. I waste SO much time going back to the Expenses screen to see what expense account/ tax code that vendor was under last time. I have 15 clients, I can't remember this for every single vendor.
Same thing when using the Receipts function - selecting the vendor name should fill in the rest automatically, based on the last account used for that vendor - not based on some random guess from the quickbooks machine learning universe. This is so frustrating, Hubdoc has this figured out and I can do entries 10x faster using it, but most clients don't want to pay another $25/month for that.