Receipt-scanning ability to add more than one 'line item'
I think the receipt-scanning and PC post-editing feature is a great new addition to QBO.
And my request as below has some overlap perhaps with request 'Add the ability to add products and services line items to scanned Receipts (Job-Costing)', to which I'll add a vote and comment.
But how about PC post-edit adding the ability to enter more than one 'line item'? Many of my subsistence receipts have a 0% element and 20% element. So I have to enter just the 0% element. Then click View expense in the popup. Quickly, as it disappears after a few seconds. Then add the 20% element line.
A low-dollar slightly faster alternative to the present, could be to add to the left of the bottom-right green 'Create expense' button, a green 'Create and open expense' button.
Best regards,
David King