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QuickBooks Invoice Payments Portal

743 results found

  1. Include Phone number and customer email on the invoices. Also give the option to include the notes from customer intake information.

    If you can somehow include Phone number and customer email on the invoices. Also give the option to include the notes from customer intake information in the customer data base when customers are input into the system. For example: When putting an estimate or invoice together, we have to back out of the invoice, go into customer info and copy and paste information and go back into the invoice. The customers information is usually input at time of appointment booking. I don't create an invoice until day of service. Having to back out of estimate or invoice to copy and…

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  2. display the date of payment in addition to the other information listed on the screen after confirmation of payment.

    display the date of payment in addition to the other information listed on the screen after confirmation of payment. The screen displays the amount paid, who its paid to the payment mehod, auth ID due date, invoice amount and total. a screen shot of the info with the date paid is easier on a mobile phone than downloading the receipt or invoice.

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  3. Fix tab ordering

    When tabbing through the boxes, it the first several as expected. However, the last line was broken.

    On the last line was NAME, then ZIP. However, when tabbing, it went to ZIP then NAME. Ew. Please fix that. Thanks!

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  4. Neither the receipt for payment nor the invoice file names includes the date issued. This should be automatic.

    Neither the receipt for payment nor the invoice file names includes the date issued. This should be automatic.

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  5. Fix form to allow copy/paste of account number

    It is a horrible experience that I cannot copy and paste my account number in the payment tool form. I can copy and paste the routing number, but not the account number? Then I have to hand enter it twice, increasing the time, and the chance for error? This is not a huge thing, but it is nonetheless unacceptable for me.Please call this a bug and then fix it.

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  6. Allow 'paste' into the 'confirm account' field...customers *PAYING CUSTOMERS* have asked for this for !@#$%^ YEARS! DO IT, *******! DO IT!

    Allow 'paste' into the 'confirm account' field...customers PAYING CUSTOMERS have asked for this for !@#$%^ YEARS! DO IT, *******! DO IT!

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  7. Invoice File Name

    Put the name of your vendor company first in the file name, then the invoice number. Makes sorting for client easier to find specific vendor invoice.

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  8. Add student name field

    Add student name field

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  9. Incorrect Tabbing Order in Form

    When I tab from the Name field I expect to go to Zip. Instead, one of the hyperlinks in the text below is selected. I didn't take a screenshot so I cannot tell you exactly which link it is. But you'll see when you test out the tabbing functionality.

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  10. Improve validation on account holder name

    I got an error when entering my account holder name for my bank account info when paying an invoice, asking to enter a valid first and last name of up to 50 characters. At first I thought it was objecting to my having 4 names, but eventually I realized that I'd included a space at the start of my name and removing it made the form accept my name.
    But the validation error given was totally unhelpful for identifying what was wrong, which was 'Name may not begin with spaces.'

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  11. Have a place for invoice comments via the purchaser

    Have a place for invoice comments via the purchaser

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  12. Copy-paste Bank Account info

    When I'm entering my bank account details, I'd like to be able to copy-paste the details into the form. The reason is I'm trying to avoid a finger flub typos. It seems that Intuit has disabled the copy-paste function, which means it is more likely that I will make a typo. If I log into my bank account, Command-C (CTRL-C) then the account number (which is, quite long) will be right, for sure.

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  13. CCV - For security purposes, ccv number should be ***'d out, as well as all but last four of credit card number

    Most places x out the ccv number and all but last four of credit card number

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  14. Estimates in Quickbooks Self Employed

    Please add the Estimates feature in Quickbooks Self Employed. Dozens of threads in the community forums express the need for this for self-employed subscribers. This is a huge pain point for many users.

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  15. Enable paste in the confirm account number field

    Everyone copies these numbers. Why would you disable paste?

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  16. Make the PAID invoice a single download

    Instead of having to download the invoice to see detail, and the receipt to have a record of payment, enable a single download of the invoice marked paid.

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  17. Receipt with invoice details

    Once paid, I would like to be able to see the full invoice with the amount paid rather than just a payment receipt with no invoice details. I like to store the invoice details and receipts, but I'd rather just store one document than two.

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  18. Please do not disable pasting into the checking account number confirmation input field.

    This is frustrating to everyone that copies their account number to their clipboard and wants to paste that number into the fields. If the first input field was pasted, please allow the second field to be pasted as well.

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  19. Provide a Memo Field to add additional notes for the payer.

    As the person paying an invoice I should be able to add any additional notes or comments.

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  20. Display bank name to confirm entered RTN

    Most payment services, when an RTN is entered, will look up and display the bank name so you can confirm the RTN you entered was correct

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QuickBooks Invoice Payments Portal


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