Your damned form erases all entries if a user fills in all the information and *then* realizes that he wants credit, not debit. Sloppy code.
And it's doubly sloppy code to NOT post the text box until after the user struggles to concisely explain the issue in what is apparently just a title box. How is the user supposed to know that a textbox will magically appear after he tries to explain the entire flaw in about 145 characters?! You must be hoping your customers are psychic.
I know this sounds really harsh, but I've made my living designing and testing user interfaces for over fifty years, and I know my business. You have to think like a child, and have almost no preconceptions, to design good, intuitive user interfaces.

Klaus & Lois Brown commented
Good advice. Looking at my own comment plus others, it is shocking how many basic things need to be improved. It really doesn't have to be this poorly done.