Simplify bookkeeping practices by combining USD invoices and CND under one client. With an option to turn it on based on business type/needs
Hello QB Engineers,
Here is a situation i really would love to have a solution for.
My company offers a large variety of products and services. Bookkeeping being only one of them. Another is building e-commerce websites for my clients through varies portals. Shopify is the most likely choice for most of my clients.
When I bill my clients, I bill them for the cost Shopify would charge them if billing them directly. Which in most cases is $29 USD recurring monthly. I also bill my client for my time putting their site together, which is done in CND and is not a recurring monthly bill. There are other features and costs that can take place with some of the clients. Example, they want to upgrade their store to have the ability to book appointments on their website and allow their clients to do the same. This than would become another revenue stream for me and I build my client for it in USD recurring monthly. The time to set it up is charged in CND. Than my client wants to change the layout of the website. I bill them again for my time in CND.
I have to create two different accounts for the same client to invoice them. This is messy and can cause all kinds of data integrity issues if I have a new staff member help me do my billing. Or if I have to help one of my clients set up a similar situation for their clients.
One client. Two Invoice options for each client. Person making invoice can pick one of the follow invoice type they want to make. USD or CND. Than proceed to bill the client all services that are in USD on that invoice with a total converted to CND.
One client. One Invoice option. Person making invoice will fill in the invoice and can pick an item as they do now.
If the product or services was set up in USD the product line in the invoice would reflect that. If it was set in CND it would reflect that. The end goal would be the total in CND with the exchange rate included. This could be done in multiple ways and I am sure you could think of something that works best but I have an ideas to hopefully help you think of a solution and maybe better than my idea. At the bottom of the invoice you could total CND funds in one area. Total the USD funds in another area and show the conversions of the USD to CDN. Than add the two as the subtotal. Calculate the GST and the grand total of invoice would be done in CND.
Simplify bookkeeping practices by combining USD invoices and CND under one client. With an option to turn it on based on business type/needs.
Thank you for reading my suggestions. I really hope to see something like this done.