Smaller invoices.
The question posed by QuickBooks after I used this website to pay an ungodly amount of money for my daughter's college room & board is ""tell us how we can make paying an invoice better."" or, alternatively, "how can we improve your experience paying invoices online?" I am glad Quickbooks is aware that there is space for an improvement in the experience of paying a bill online, because the fact is, it is an experience that could do with some improvement. And yet the answer seems quite obvious. How, indeed, can QuickBooks improve the experience of paying invoices online? My proposal is simple, elegant, and revolutionary:
Smaller invoices.
I don't mean the physical size of the invoice. I mean the amount of money. I had no issues with using the website, but the one aspect of the experience that could definitely be improved upon was the bit where I sent a chunk of my hard-earned money to someone else. QuickBooks staff: I'll be you could throw millions of dollars into website improvements, but no matter how much money you spend on it, your survey data will still show that people do not enjoy using your website. The fact is that the best (and perhaps only) way to improve my experience paying invoices online would to be to change just one small detail: the number at the bottom of the invoice. I am sure that everyone else using this website would agree that there is no software improvement, no website update, that would contribute as significantly to improving the experience of paying invoices online so much as paying smaller invoices online.
How? Well, that's up to QuickBooks. I'm sure Quickbooks or their parent company INTUIT, a leader in FINTECH making a 15% profit worth over $5B annually while paying a lower tax rate I do, can figure out a solution. There are any number of practical options. For example, next semester INTUIT can pay the college half of my daughter's room and board costs directly. Or they can refund me half of what I've paid. Or they could go talk the college into reducing the price of their accommodation. There are many ways to ***** this nut!
There's even an in-house solution: INTUIT could secretly add an amount - say 10% - to all the invoices it sends out, then when you log in to pay, there could be a little notice that says "Good News! Your actual invoice is almost 10% lower than what you were expecting! Go buy yourself something nice!" Though not strictly speaking, legal, ethical or sensible, such a tactic would, by surprising paying clients with a lower bill when they log in, most definitely "improve [the] experience [of] paying invoices online," while also making Quickbooks stand out from its competitors.
I feel relatively confident that many QuickBooks users on the payments side would agree that there is nothing else that would improve the experience paying invoices online so much as not having to pay as much. If QuickBooks is truly dedicated to making "paying an invoice better," it should embrace the idea that smaller invoices mean happier payers of invoices. Software upgrades or fixes will have at most incremental impacts on how people feel about this website. If QuickBooks wants to improve the user experience, stop throwing money at the technology, and try throwing it at the user!
In sum: I thank Quickbooks for seeking my recommendations on how to improve the online invoice payment system. There is no technological solution that could have as broad or as lasting an impact as reducing the cost of the invoices it manages. I am confident that after a review of my compelling insight into what makes paying invoices a less-than-enjoyable experience (i.e. spending money), QuickBooks will agree that my proposal makes sense. And because I wouldn't want anyone, including the good people of QuickBooks, to have to suffer the stress of a paying an expensive invoice online, let me close by saying:
I will be glad to accept a check.
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