It is a terrible idea to only permitting clicking on email to pay
It is just an invitation for fraud to encourage your billed customers to click on entries in their emails. This is the most common method for spoofing web sites. Instead you should include a textual URL in addition to the "Click to pay" button for people to cut and paste into their browsers. Or encourage your customers to ask people to go to their web sites for the pay button. Anything other but what you currently do would be better.

Anonymous commented
I can't believe it is 2021 and a company such as Intuit is building a system that requires clicking a button on an email in order to pay an invoice. This is phishing protection 101, people!
I came here to add a comment to this and I just thought I should point out: in order to upvote this proposal, I was forced to click on a similar button in an email. This is disgraceful for a company handling money.