Auto pay!!
Just allow to take a set amount out every month. Send a bill a few days b4. If there’s a problem we can let you know b4 auto draft comes out.

Avi Carmi commented
not just monthly, but say I have an occasional invoice from some vendors
I'd like the ability to set certain vendors as "auto pay approved" vendor
an additional feature would be an "auto pay limit" where an "auto pay vendor" will only get paid automatically if the invoice is under the limit.
whenever such "auto pay vendor" submit an invoice, and the invoice is under the "auto pay limit", I'd like the invoice to be immediately paid.
however, if the invoice is over the limit, I'd like to be able to set a default action of either "auto pay after x days" or "don't pay untill I manually approve"
this way, if I see the invoice, and want it to be paid, I don't have to do anything if the default action is "auto pay after x days".
so vendors that I really trust, can be set with high auto pay limit, and will get paid automatically upon presentation of the invoice, yet vendors that I'd like to review will get "auto pay after x days"