Option to Email receipt and/or invoice confirmations
Have an option to Email receipt and/or invoice confirmations

info@saxjanet.com commented
Suggestion : Please enable a feature to send me a notification when an invoice is marked as paid. It is normally the customer that emails me to say they have paid. And it would be better for the system to notify me so I can be proactive with sending them a receipt.
Better still please make an option to automatically send the customer a receipt on payment.
At least one of these 2 options is needed and a weakness of QB
Marlo Bruce commented
It is crazy that we actually have to print out a paid receipt and keep it in a folder to prove payment. You sent the bill to us, so why cant you send a payment receipt?
Anonymous commented
I thought you did email receipts/paid invoice confirmations in the past but my last two payments, including one today, did not trigger email confirmations.
Anonymous commented
please email payment confirmation
Anonymous commented
I used to receive emailed receipts immediately after I paid the invoice. It is very frustrating to have had that stop a couple of months ago. We're going backwards...
Bill commented
Send the Invoice as an attachment to an email but stamp P A I D on it with the confirmation number. That way, for my records, I can keep them together on one page.
Mark Thomas commented
Yes please!
Anonymous commented
I use to get a receipt emailed to me immediately after paying an invoice. Now I don't ever get it.
Anonymous commented
Seems old-fashioned to have to download receipt instead of you just emailing it to me.
Anonymous commented
I, too, think having option to email receipt would be convenient!
Sandra Jernigan commented
I would like to receive email receipts for my payments. I used to receive them, but for some reason they have stopped.