Have a field for company name on business accounts. Business accounts don't always have first and last names.
Have a field for company name on business accounts. Business accounts don't always have first and last names.

Khizer Ali commented
For mainland business setups in Dubai, incorporating a dedicated "Company Name" field in business account forms is crucial. Unlike personal accounts, business accounts often require the company name to align with their legal and operational identity, ensuring smoother financial transactions and compliance with UAE regulations.
This adjustment is particularly beneficial for mainland business setup consultants in Dubai, who manage multiple corporate clients and rely on accurate records for invoicing and payment tracking. Additionally, businesses providing mainland business setup services in Dubai can streamline their processes by ensuring all transactions are directly linked to the company name rather than individual account holders.
Implementing this feature would enhance user experience, improve accuracy, and align business processes with the specific needs of mainland UAE companies. If additional insights or recommendations are needed, feel free to ask at https://g12.ae/business-setup-in-uae-mainland/
Anonymous commented
Why ask for first and last name when paying from a company account?