Be able to name the bank accounts we pay from
Be able to name the bank accounts we pay from so that if we have multiple bank accounts we don't have to remember the correct one based on the last 4 digits.

David Guerrieri commented
Could we merge all these requests for the same thing so that you can see how many people want it?
Lindsay Coleman commented
This idea is from 2017, seems pretty easy to do, why does intuit ask for our opinions if they're not going to take our avice?
Tom commented
YES! Intuit pulls my business account from QBO and a personal account from Mint and calls each "Checking *****1234", so the only difference is the last four digits. I would only ever want to pay an invoice via my business account, but I don't have the numbers memorized and I see no way to make the name show up as I have it in my Chart of Accounts in QBO.