Copy/Paste on Invoice
The account confirmation field does no allow users to paste the number. Typing the number in one digit at a time is less accurate than copying the number from their financial institution's website.

Steven Christenson commented
Google Chrome has an add in called "Don't F*ck With Paste" that can undo this foolish web behavior.
I notice there are HUNDREDS of requests to get Intuit to stop behaving like this since 2019, so it occurs to me that this entire "improvements" site is in fact another time waster since they've managed to ignore it for over 4 years now!
But there is another SECURITY reason to allow paste... key loggers don't know what was pasted... but they can track what is typed. In fact some of the premium plugins will replace typed characters with an on-screen keyboard. Key loggers can't see that behavior either. In short, for all the inconvenience generated, there is also a very real possibility that forcing someone to TYPE anything INCREASES the security exposure.
Aron Kansal commented
I copy and paste my account number from bank of america, making me type it causes more errors
Rick Saada commented
It's unbelievable that they don't allow paste. I can copy it from my bank's web page and paste with perfect accuracy, or I can type it one number at a time and ***** it up. In fact, they had to do extra work to explicitly NOT allow paste, and they made the stupid choice...
Anonymous commented
This is accurate. Even typing this comment I made a typo; copy-paste is the proper method.
matt commented
I agree, copy and and paste is more accurate. I keep my banking information in a secure password management tool and I should be able to paste from there.