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  1. Site Uses MacBook-saved Credit Card Data but Not Expiration Date

  2. Allow copy and paste feature for all data fields for security.

  3. Paying by credit card is nice but I'd prefer a PayPal option

  4. Hi. I’d like to pay every quarter please or even twice yearly

  5. I’m uncomfortable sending my bank information (routing # and account #) electronically anywhere. I’d prefer a credit card over the phone.

  6. Works very well. I'd like to be able to leave a tip.

  7. Steps to Fix QuickBooks Crashes while Data Export to the Excel Error

  8. I'd like to be able to name my credit cards on the intuit website so I know which is which

  9. the file should already have the important data listed not just invoice

  10. I’d like to be able to pay an additional amount for a tip

  11. help! As of the invoice layout update you did started on 5/06/24 our bundle feature will now allow us to enter our price per gallon

  12. limited users must be restricted from deletion of any transaction and we should have access limitation of data available for any users.

  13. When switching between credit and debit card types, don't erase the data I've filled into the form.

  14. In my receipt, I’d really appreciate it saying which months the receipt is for.

  15. I can not pay online. Please enable my I'd to pay invoices kvnsper12

  16. I'd prefer sending a check by mail. I've had problems with electronic payments.

  17. I’d like to see the months I’m paying for listed on the invoice.

  18. I can not pay online. Please enable my I'd to pay invoices kvnsper12

  19. Not allowing copy-paste for account numbers is an anti-pattern. Don't be stupid and force us to make data entry errors.

  20. Saved profile for credit card payment was not shown, each visit for payment required unique entry of card and user data. PIA !

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