Make it harder for QB Bookkeeping to do stupid things like accidentally reversing a PAID transaction during reconsiliation.
Recently our Quickbooks Bookkeeper was allowed/able to reverse a PAID transaction without my authorization. He refunded our customer over 1100.00. Bill was paid over a month ago. I was told I have to sort it out and call QB merchant services. So, I spoke to QB Merchant Services, and they said that they cannot reverse or stop a reversal if it was done by mistake. How impossibly terrible to put YOUR customer through issues like these. Why not add fail safes in place to make sure this does not happen. Not just for a QB Bookkeeper but for a business to also utilize. Now I am to call our customer and reclaim the mistaken reversal. So I will pay double if not tripled merchant fees and I have to ask for money that was already PAID. Unbelievably disruptive to a small 1 person business and not to mention having to apologize for someone's incompetence. A button should be inserted " Are YOU sure you want to REVERSE this transaction" ???????