Anonymous commented
Email Receipt please.
Anonymous commented
why can't you send email confirmation?
N Doner commented
PLEASE make sure to credit my account properly with my vendor and NOT put my payment in "Unallocated Payments received" as happened the last time I used this service. Thank you.
BJ commented
prefer receiptl by mail
Ted commented
Send receipt be email
Yesenia Bravp commented
would like emails sent to me just case
Anonymous commented
I like the receipt. Thank you!
Michelle commented
Please have an option where it says Print Receipt after you've paid, to include EMAIL receipt. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
please email me a receipt with company address to my email address for the amount paid. Thank you
Jose Luis Rios commented
Please send the receipt with company address to my email address
Anonymous commented
Please send the receipt with company address to my email address
Anonymous commented
Please send receipt by email. I do not want to have to print anything out.
Anonymous commented
send me the receipt to my email address.
Becca commented
Please send the receipt to my email
susan mann commented
send the receipt
gizzis commented
please send the invoice to my email thank you
Anonymous commented
Automated Email Receipts - Quickbooks automatically sends email receipts to our customers whenever they make a successful payment. and the Receipt says "THANK YOU!"
Each receipt will contain a link to view it in a browser, and a unique receipt number that can be useful when looking up charge information.
Please make this happen Quickbooks! This will let our clients know their payment has been received successfully and remind them that we appreciate their business.
Anonymous commented
Email please
Anonymous commented
Email please